Sunday, June 27, 2010

What's Next for 2010?

So what is next for 2010? I don't know. I feel like something new and exciting it about to happen to me. Will it be a new job? Will it be a new man? Will I hit the lottery? What will it be? I don't know. But I want it to happen soon, because the current life is so boring. I need some excitement in my life right now.
Tomorrow is Monday, so it's back to the 9 to 5 again. The ride into to work with the traffic, then get to work and deal with the same people, doing the same things. I am getting bored just thinking about it. Please God, Let tomorrow June 28,2010 be a great and exciting day.

Please. Amen

Monday, June 7, 2010


As I look into your eyes
I know I can not settle

I will not settle for less
than the full sum of love

I will not settle for your excuses

I will not let you put me on the back burner

I will not let you crush my heart
and break my spirit

I will not let you use my
body for your convenience

I will not let you put others
love ahead of me

I will not let the hope of you becoming who you should be
mask the reality of who you really are

No more false hopes, broken promises and wishful prayers

Today is the day to place me as the top priority

As I look into the mirror
and look into my eyes

I realize that I will not
settle for less again

Saturday, June 5, 2010

June 5, 2010

What is next for this year? I hope this year will be better than last year. I lost my brother last year. Some days are better than others. Some days I can talk about him without crying. And some days just thinking about him brings tears to my eyes.
Whenever I hear the saying: God does not put more on your than you can bear. I have to say, then I need to have a conversation with God. Because apparently he thinks I am stronger than I know. Before my brother died, I just never thought I would lose a brother or sister. I know we all will die someday, but I guess I thought we would be in our 70's or 80's. My brother was 39 and I was 43.
One thing I am learning from all of this is to enjoy life. Tell everyone who mean anything to you: I love you. Take chances. Experience joy. Laugh daily.

That's it for now. I am enjoying the sunshine today.